Monday, September 14, 2009

Parent Questionnaire

Dear Parent(s)/ Guardian(s),

Please answer the questions below and sign at the bottom, indicating that you have read this course description with your student. Students should return this sheet for class credit.

Thank you,
Caleb Kostechka, 9th grade Literature and the Arts teacher

1. What do you feel your student’s strengths are in oral and written communication? What are his or her weaknesses?

2. What do you feel your student’s strengths and weaknesses are in the area of reading?

3. Which of these activities does your family spend more time participating in: reading, writing, or storytelling? Please describe some of these activities.

4. Should your student wear glasses?

5. What else would you like me to know about your student for this year?

6. If you have an email address where I can send information about school, please print it below:

I have read the course description with my student.

____________________________ _________________________________
Student Name (Please print legibly) Parent or guardian name (Please print legibly)

Parent or guardian signature

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