Monday, September 14, 2009

My Name

Global Literature
Unit: Writing
My Name

1. Read the chapter “My Name” from The House on Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros
2. 2. Discover the story behind your first name.
• Ask your parents or relatives about your name.
• Look up the meaning of your name (does it describe you?)
• Find out if there are any cultural / family traditions connected to your name(were you named after someone? Are you like this person?
• Do you have nicknames? How did you get them? How do you feel about them?
• Do you like your name? Why?
• If you were to choose another name, what would it be?
3. Use Sandra Cisneros’ chapter as an example as you write the story of your name. This is your first assignment for this class and it will help me assess your writing strengths as well as areas for improvement.
4. 4. Do your best work. Typed (double spaced 12 point font) and a minimum of 250 words

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