Friday, April 23, 2010

TRC Reflection Sheet

TRC Debrief (if absent)
1. What was the Truth and Reconciliation Committee? Why did some people praise this? Why were some people opposed to this? What did they hope to achieve?

2.. Many relatives of victims wanted to hear how their loved ones died. Why might this be? What does this achieve?

3. Is it better to discuss hurts out in the open, or should people just “let sleeping dogs lie”?

4. “ We make the mistakes of conflating all justice into the Retributive justice, when there is a thing called restorative justice. And this is the option we have chosen. But there is justice. The perpetrators don’t get off scot free. They have to confess publicly, in the full glare of television lights, that they did those ghastly things.” (Desmond Tutu). DO you agree with him? Is the public confession of acts enough to establish justice in South Africa?

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