Wednesday, April 7, 2010

South Africa Protest Poetry Assignment

Global Literature: South Africa Name:_______________________
Protest Music
For next class you may choose one of the three options regarding protest music.

A.) Write your own protest song. Create your own original music or borrow a melody from a popular song. Please either record this (bringing in a CD of your music) or be prepared to perform the song in class (risk takers will receive extra credit!)

B.) Analyze a popular protest song using the same questions you used to analyze your poem for South Africa.
1. What was happening politically and economically at the time this song was written.
2. What does the poem describe? What events or scenes does it portray?
3. What is the mood of the poem? Is it resigned, angry, hopeful, etc?
4. How does the poem envision the future?

C.) Write your own protest poem. Be prepared to read it aloud in class dramatically or present the poem in an artistic way for your classmates to see.

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