Friday, December 11, 2009

Master Race Questions

Master Race Questions

Please answer three of the following questions from the reading. Please type your responses on a separate page.

1. Hitler: Discuss Hitler’s contradictory personality. What was he great at? What were some of his weaknesses? How did he relate to others? How did he see himself? What were the roots of Hitler’s views on the Jews?

2. Business: Give an example (or more) of industries/ businesses that thrived during the war (like IBM computers & Krups coffee makers)? Does the link with Hitler and his NSDAP Party taint these companies’ reputations? Should we, who are aware of these companies histories, shun the products made by them?

3. List three groups of people who were persecuted and oppressed by Hitler’s regime. Discuss whether these groups should get equal time/ attention in studies of the Holocaust.

4. What are some of the positive actions Hitler and his regime took for the German people? How did these actions complicate the issue of assigning blame in the unstoppable war machine?

5. Eugenics (the study of racial purity) was a popular science at this time. What kind of measures were taken in Germany & do you believe the human engineering is ever acceptable (ex: cure diseases, etc)

6. What was Hitler’s plan for the Jews? What were the steps taken that led up to the final solution? What was the final solution? Could the citizens of Germany or the world have intervened? At what point and how?

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