Friday, February 5, 2010

Kenay Vocab Day 1 and 2

Kenya Vocabulary Name:____________________
Day 1
New Words:
sojourn homage resounding prostrate trudge

Candy Mountain
One of my favorite things to do, at least once a year in my dreams, is sojourn at the base of Candy Mountain with my friend “Charlie the Unicorn”. Although the path to get there is quite far and I often find myself trudging across the magical bridge, it is well worth the trip. As soon as I can view its sweet deliciousness I pay homage by sacrificing a candy cane. I then prostrate myself before the giant fountain of chocolate. If I am not too full after drinking from in the stream I climb to the gumdrop top and let out a resounding yelp of joy! Candy Mountain! Candy Mountain!

Sample sentences: Try your hand now at using your new words by writing them in their correct form (change endings if necessary) in these sentences:

1. Charlie the unicorn loved to ______________ in the meadow filled with butterflies and daisies.

2. The students paid ___________ to their teacher by always bringing him flowers.

3. After the marathon, we still had to ------_____________ across the parking lot to drive home.

4. The man was lying _______________ before the king as he asked him a favor.

5. The ______________ echo moved through the entire canyon and called all the people out of their houses.

Definitions: Match the new words with their dictionary meanings.

6. sojourn ___ a. respect paid or rendered
7. homage ___ b. a temporary stay
8. resounding ___ c. to walk laboriously or wearily
9. prostrate ___ d. (1)impressively complete (2.) utterly loud
10. trudge ___ e. lying face down on the ground, as in token of humility,
submission, or adoration.

Swahili Lesson

Jambo = Hello
Kwa Heri = Godbye

Kenya Vocabulary Name:____________________
Day 2
New Words:
Bewilder smolder incessant staunch injunction

Kenya Digit!!
Lions!! Need I say more!! Before you hear me incessantly rave about the amazing wildlife Kenya has within its borders, let me tell you more about Kenya’s culture. Home to countless cultures and ethnic groups, Kenya will bewilder and amaze you with the vastness of its diversity. In addition, think of the landscape! Can you imagine sitting beneath a starry sky as dinner smolders in the fire and the sound of elephants resound in the background? As a staunch friend of wildlife, culture, and beauty, I must insist that you visit Kenya. Think of it as an injunction!! Book your plane ticket today.

Sample sentences: Try your hand now at using your new words by writing them in their correct form (change endings if necessary) in these sentences:

1. The confusing math exam left me in a ________________ state.

2. The judge declared an ______________ on the striking airline pilots and forced them to return to work.

3. The student was a _____________ critic of the new no-sugar policy. He protested against it every lunch hour with picket signs.

4. Crickets kept me awake all of last night with their ______________ chirping.

5. The jealous opponent’s anger ______________ all year long as he plotted his revenge.

Definitions: Match the new words with their dictionary meanings.

6. bewilder ___ a. to exist in a suppressed state
7. smolder ___ b. to confuse or puzzle
8. incessant ___ c. strong, steadfast, loyal
9. staunch ___ d. a command or order
10. injunction ___ e. continuing without interruption

Swahili Lesson

Hujambo? How do you do?
Njembe Fine

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