Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Pico Iyer Aha Moments

You can find the reading through this link.
Travel Questions: (The Big Ones)
You will need to pick up the reading from a friend, another IHS lit teacher, or from me to do this assignment. Sorry, it's not available on-line.

* Why do we travel and how do we change through traveling?

*Are tourism and travel a positive or negative force in our world?

* How much can we truly learn about another culture? What are some ways we can maximize that learning?

As you read the interview with Pico Iyer, keep these three questions in mind. Also, look for at least five thoughtful “AHA” moments (or profound insights/ epiphanies). Copy these moments from the text onto a piece of paper and respond to the quote using the following questions:

*Why is this moment an “Aha” moment?
*What did you learn about the world, travel, and human beings?

Please type your five quotes and responses.
This is due next class and is designed to help you write your interview with your travel author. Have fun!

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