Monday, September 14, 2009

Student Survey

Customs: Introduction Name:________________________________

1. Are you fluent in any languages besides English? Is English your second language? (If yes, how long have you been speaking/reading English?)

2. Which aspects of your personality will you rely on most throughout this school year? Explain.

3. Was Language Arts class last year too hard, too easy, or just right? Explain.

4. Why did you choose to enroll in I.H.S.? Explain. (As always, please be honest.)

5. Do you like to read? What was the last book you read on your own?

6. What helps you learn? What activity or technique has helped you in the past?

7. Do you have good study habits? Yes? No? Explain.

8. Do you have any special conditions that I should be aware of? For example, eyesight, hearing, dyslexia, blood sugar, etc.? How can I help?

9. What are your hobbies? Are you planning to participate in extracurricular activities before or after school?

10. Do you speak up in class during discussions? If you don’t, why not?

11. Finish this sentence: To be honest, the best way to motivate me to do well in this class is . . . . . . . . . . (fill in and explain)

12. Please write any questions or concerns that you have. Also, you may use this space to respond further to any question listed above.

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